Song: Crazy In the Night
Sung By: Kim Carnes
Offline - I'm going to revamp it.
Buffy's POV - It's has some Spuffy moments, but it's
really a Buffy only video.
Song: Once Bitten
Sung By: 3-Speed
Download File: Format .wmv - 9.16mb
Spuffy AU - What if Spike did get the chip out and decided
to vamp Buffy? This is my take on that concept.

Song: Somebody's Watching Me
Sung By: Rockwell
Download File: Format .wmv - 9.63mb
Spuffy - Buffy’s a bit paranoid that somebody’s
watching her. Will she discover that it’s really just her Guardian Vamp lending a hand, er, stake every now and then?
Tune in to find out.

Song: One Night in Bangkok
Sung By: Murray Head (Tony Head's brother)
Download File: Format .wmv - 9.59mb
One Night in Sunnydale is a look back at the Scooby Gang from Season 1.

Song: Mobile
Sung By: Avril Lavine
Download File: Format .wmv - 4.66mb
Completely AU - This video is a complete what if? It has scenes from the BtVS movie and the unaired pilot.
It doesn’t contain any scenes with Kristy Swanson, only SMG.

Song: Infected
Sung By: Bad Religion
Download File: Format .wmv - 9.51mb
Dark Spuffy - A walk on the dark side of Spike and Buffy’s relationship.