And the Winner Is...
Once Bitten
Khris's Choice |

The Band Candy Awards |
Best AU |

Poetry in Motion |
Best AU |

Sinful Desires Awards |
Wacky World Runner Up |

With Silence & Tears |
Best AU |

Effulgent Reflections |
Most Unique |

Buff Buff Awards |
Best AU |

The Orb of Thesulah Awards |
Judge's Choice |

Summers' Key Awards |
Enter Page Title Here
Sinful Desire's Awards
"When I first saw it, I thought It would lose me because
it was so small and I wouldn't enjoy it as much! But I loved It! I loved
the song. It's an awesome song which was used really well in this AU
Piece. You showed some awesome editing and effects! Just another Brigetta
Classic!" |
The Bad Bad Man Awards
Cec: "I liked the way
the credits faded out at the beginning. You used some cool transistions!"
Kaycee: "I liked this contructed reality
video! Very good idea and song to go with it. You did a great job on
getting clips to make it AU!"
Justin: "I think this was a pretty good
vid. I loved the story." |
Effulgent Reflections
"If only! Buffy as a vampire and Spike as the vampire that
bit her. Great use of clips to show what happened. I didn't have any
trouble following the story. Really nice idea and the song was perfect for
it. Happy Spuffy vampire
ending." |
Somebody's Watching Me
Best Comedy |

Sinful Desires Awards |
Judge's Choice |

Sinful Desires Awards |
Enter Page Title Here
5x5 Awards
"An interesting view, I guess she had often felt
like she's being watched. Good pace of the images the effects were
interesting too."
With Slience & Tears
"Cute and funny look at a very paranoid
Buffy. Some good effects as
well." |
Magick 8 Ball Awards
"Haha. Why didn't you nominate this for Best Comedy? I hope
that you meant it to be funny if you didn't I'm so sorry. From the start I
started laughingjust the song is funny. Then you had Buffy making faces
in the mirror! Oh man. Your SFX were great-It made it even more funny! I
didn't like the snow thing though 'cause I couldn't see anything. Hahaha.
"The mailman watching me""
"This creation has really nice FX. You used a
really good clips for this song. Some great action clips and you've even
made me feel paranoid. LOL. Seriously though this was a well put together
video that anyone would have fun watching. Be proud of this creation it
really works! I enjoyed Somebody's Watching Me very much. Pat yourself on
the back and if you don't, I will." |
Sinful Desire's Awards
"Very Nicely Done. I loved the editing and SFX! The song was
retro and fitted the clips perfectly. I love the concept. In Buffy someone
always seems to be watching her. So, to make a video is really smart, and
I wish I thought of it. I love the bit where it shows Buffy almost being
hit by the car in Helpless and then cuts to Spike driving the car. It was
just awesome! Well Done Brigetta! I Guess This is Just Another One of Your
Amazing Vids!" |
The Bad Bad Man Awards
Marie: "Great song choice. This video was very
eerie you actually felt like Buffy was being stalked. I wish I had a
stalker as hot as Spike! But I think it would quickly change into me
stalking him...ok back to the review. Nice effects and scene choices.
Overall very good video!"
Kaycee: "What a good idea! Buffy definitely
has reason to be paranoid, though. lol You did a great job of matching the
words and clips together. I loved the IRS part!"
Cec: "Very unique! Cool transitions
Justin: "Great vid! Liked the music
Lots!" |
One Night in Sunnydale
Best Music |

Sinful Desires Awards |
Best Editor |

Magick 8-Ball Awards |
Best SFX |

Poetry in Motion |
Best Comedy |

The Band Candy Awards |
Best Seasonal Runner Up |

Prophecy Girl Awards |
Best Seasonal Runner Up |

Bloody Love Awards |
Best Idea |

Summers' Key Awards |
Enter Page Title Here
Sinful Desire's Awards
"Season One is
probably my favourite season so big bonus there! This Video was fun and
all the clips didn't do big jumps like others I have seen. I love the
song. Even though it is referring to Bangkok, I think it was a really good
song choice. I think it is just a bright and bubbly clip which shows the
best parts of the season one episodes and works really well with the
music. The clips are so on line with the music. Like in the start, where
Xander is playing the guitar you have edited it to work with music, and I
think that is one of the most appealing things in Music vids. I Just Love
Everything About It! Nothing I would Change! Well Done Brigetta! Awesome
Vid You Have Created." - Shoopdancer (SDVAA) |
The Bad Bad Man Awards
Cec: "Those circle-y
transitions are cool. The cheerleader shots were all cool
Marie: "Nice scene choices and good
editing. Unique song choice and it fit the concept very well. Good
Kaycee: "Cool idea for a video! I liked
the scenes you used. They aren't the ones that are used a lot, so it was
cool to have some variety! Very entertaining and the ending was
Justin: "Liked the clips. How you had
them going with the song, strong lyrics
also." |
5x5 Awards
"Well this was
a great celebration of season 1. I liked some of the lyrics matched and it
was just generally enjoyable to watch."
Zeppo Awards
Jessie: "This was a fun vid. The music was way
out there and the clips were great. Good Job!"
With Slience & Tears
"So cute. A wonderful look back at season one. It's
got action coming out the whazoo. lol. An all around good
video." |
Magick 8-Ball Awards
"I love this
video. The song and the clips mesh well together. I think it is really
professional and well done. This video was to my liking because season one
was such a happy season and you demonstrated the happiness really well in
your video! BRAVO BRIGETTA and Keep up the good
"Hahaha...was cute. The song has
got that 80s techno beat. It's funny. I love the SFX!
(It gave it that 80s feel.) Great job Brigetta. Tough guy's
stumblehahaha. Cheerleaders.hahahahahah. The English accent
song choice that totally works with this vid idea. It's a great seasonal piece, capturing many excellent
moments from the first season, and highly
entertaining." |
How it Began?
Best AU |

Poetry in Motion |
Best Crossover |

Poetry in Motion |
Best Unique |

Sinful Desires Awards |
Best AU Runner Up |

Sinful Desires Awards |
Best Experimental |

With Silence & Tears |
Most Original |

Judgment Day Awards |
Most Unique Runner Up |

The Buffinator Awards |
Enter Page Title Here
Sinful Desire's Awards
"Very Unique Brigetta. I loved the song choice (I watched the
Mobile by Avril Lavigne Version) and it worked so well. It was so
different. I haven't seen the Buffy original pilot so it was really an
introduction to it. I loved how you used clips from the movie as well, and
it was a really good crossover between the two. I loved the concept also.
It kept me guessing, what would have happened in Buffy if the original
pilot was used! But, back on subject, your editing and effects were really
good and consistent and helped your vid to run smoothly. Well Done!" -
Shoopdancer |
5x5 Awards
"Nice to see footage from the movie and from
the pilot episode. Good job."
The Bad Bad Man
Cec: "I
really like how you had Buffy flashing back to LA. Very cool! Things went
with the lyrics really well too! Very cool! I really liked how you used
the movie and the unaired pilot!"
Kaycee: "Great idea for a video!! This was really cool! I loved how you
integrated the clips from the movie. Very fun to watch!"
Marie: "Good idea. I liked the unaired pilot and the movie so this was a
nice change, good
job." |
Best Video Runner Up |

Sinful Desires Awards |
Best Angst |

Sinful Desires Awards |
Shoopdancer's Choice |

Sinful Desires Awards |
Best Angst |

Judgment Day Awards |
Best Conventional Shipper Runner Up |

Poetry in Motion |
Best Use of Song |

Why We Fight Awards |
Best Editing Runner Up |

Effulgent Reflections |
Best Angst |

Bloody Love Awards |
Best Video Runner Up |

Bloody Love Awards |
Best Song |

Bloody Love Awards |
Best Shipper Runner Up |

Zeppo Awards |
Best Angst |

The Orb of Thesulah Awards |
Enter Page Title Here
Sinful Desire's Awards
"WOW! I love this vid.
It was perfectly edited, and had some awesome special effects. And I had
to download the song for myself because it is so awesome. I am not a big
spuffy fan but I loved this vid, how it was dark and you didnt have clips
from just season six and five, but you used some of the earlier seasons
where they were arch nemesis. I also loved the effect with the triangles
where you showed them doing their leap of deathlolit was very smart clip
use. Again, loved this vid. Well
Done." |
The Bad Bad Man Awards
Cec: "I love the fast cuts! You did a good job of
matching scenes with lyrics. I particularly liked the "Here's my
confession, you learned your lesson." part. Great job!"
Kaycee: "Great job! Everything went with the words
so well! The video was very quick and fun to watch. The effects were cool,
Marie: "Nice editing and unique effects. Loved the
editing, very effective. Buffy really was addicted to Spike and vise
versa, great vid!"
Justin: "You did an awesome job showing
the darkness in there relationship! Really I was kinda, like Yep Buffy and
Spike Don't need to be together. Then I just had to remind myself when
they where cuddled up in Season
With Silence Tears
Donna: "Wow, a spuffy vid, I think this might be a
first. :) Nice effects and pretty good overall. Job well done!"
Jennifer: "Nice Spuffy vid. Neat effects! You did a
job!" |
Zeppo Awards
Jessie: "I think it was the song that sold me, plus the
effects were pretty cool J
" |